Our Team

M/s. S L R & Associates team is filled with positive energy and vast experience in Partners as well as Resources of the firm.



Satya Akash Sure is qualified Chartered Accountant(FCA) and Cost and Management Accountant (CMA) in 2014 and Diploma in Information System Audit(DISA ICAI) started his professional career as a partner in M/s. S L R & Associates Chartered Accountants and he is the founder member of the firm. He has secured All India 22nd Rank in the final level examination of Cost & Management Accountancy in the year 2014.

He has been worked with Ernst & Young Associates LLP during the year 2014-15. He is self motivated and disciplined. Patience and commitment is his ultimate strength. And his specialized skill set includes to deal with Direct Taxation matters, Project Financing, Audit & Assurance Services (Statutory , Internal & Tax Audit) and special assignments like Due Diligence, Investigation Etc.

He has wide experience in the field of Direct Tax, Assurance and Accounting. He has successfully performed wide range of assignments including Internal Audits of large Companies, Bank Audits, Corporate Advisory Services and Project Finance and Financial Arrangements. His ability to understand the business environment coupled with his sound financial and accounting background has enabled him to specialize in conducting Statutory audit. He has experience in Management Consultancy, Advisory Services, Due Diligence Review, Strategic Planning, Company Law, FEMA & International Taxation and Professional experience in Assurance, ICFR and Financial Reporting Services. Prior experience includes working with Ernst & Young.

Led several assurance and consulting engagements for large Indian and global companies across sectors such as Aeronautical, Manufacturing, Service, FMCG etc.




K Rajasekhar is qualified Chartered Accountant and started his professional career as a partner in M/s. S L R & Associates Chartered Accountants and he is the founder member of the firm. Expertise in Audit & Assurance Services at Bangalore with 10 years experience in handling Statutory Audit, Tax Audit and Internal Audit engagements. K Rajasekhar has experience in planning and delivering advisory engagements across multiple industry sectors  including services such as internal audit, designing risk management frameworks, Internal audit transformation, SOX compliance, business process re-engineering and developing standard operating procedures.Managed and delivered multiple Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Tax Audit, Bank Audit and IFC engagements in India across sectors in Manufacturing, Service sector, Construction, Textile and Hospitality.



Tirupathi Reddy is qualified Chartered Accountant(ACA) in 2014 started his professional career as a partner in M/s. S L R & Associates Chartered Accountants and he is the founder member of the firm.

He has over 8 years of professional experience in Tax Advisory Services. Prior experience includes working with Leading Audit firm and a leading law firm. He has rich experience in advising various national and multi-national companies across industry sectors such as fertilizer, real estate, hospitality, etc. in various aspects of indirect taxes. He also undertakes indirect tax compliance review. He has handled various  assignments on devising tax efficient structure He was part of the domain expert team for GSTN.

Has led GST implementation and transition  assignments  for various  industries such as  fertilizer, media, etc.

Imparted GST trainings He regularly  contributes  articles highlighting  industry  issues. Drafted  representations  for various  trade associations and industry. Drafted appeals, reply to SCNs, etc.

Handle  various indirect tax compliances  with respect to VAT, service tax , GST etc.

Led several assurance and consulting engagements for large Indian and global companies across sectors such as Pharma, Manufacturing, Service, FMCG etc.


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